
Please click on the links to view our latest Inspection reports...

The latest OFSTED report is available below or by clicking here, which will take you to the report on the OFSTED website.


"Christian values are at the heart of all the school does. The school motto, 'We believe, we nuture, we succeed', reflects this.

"Pupils are happy in school. They are polite and well behaved."

"Pupils have lots of opportunities for personal development."

"Leaders and Governors know the strengths of the school and the things that need to be improved."

"The whole school team want nothing but the best for the pupils in their care."

Our recent (October  2023) Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) can be found below.  We are pleased that we have been judged to 'be living up to our foundations as a Church school, enabling pupils and adults to flourish.'





"Barkisland is a nurturing school where all feel valued. Adults know pupils well.  Each pupil is valued as an individual."

"Affirming relationships between adults and pupils underpin all aspects of this caring community."

"Parents appreciate that staff have the time to talk to them."

“Pupils flourish through the numerous opportunities there are to take on leadership roles.”

“Leaders and Governors are committed to sustain the school’s development as a Church School.”

"The wellbeing of all is of paramount importance to leaders.”



Please click here to go to the Government's schools financial benchmarking service.

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Barkisland CE VA Primary School

Barkisland CE VA Primary School

We Believe, We nurture, We Succeed!

Scammonden Road, Barkisland, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX4 0BD

Debbie, Jill or Rebecca will be able to help you with your enquiry

01422 823324

We Believe, We nurture, We Succeed!

Scammonden Road, Barkisland, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX4 0BD

Debbie, Jill or Rebecca will be able to help you with your enquiry

01422 823324

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