Year 1 2024 - 2025

Miss Naude

Welcome to Year 1's Class Page

We are looking forward to an exciting year in Year 1! Below you will find out some important information about our class.

PE Days: Wednesday (Indoor) and Thursday (Outdoor). Children should come to school in their PE kit, consisting of; blue PE t-shirt, shorts or joggers, Barkisland/navy blue hoodie and suitable footwear.

Reading Books: Reading books will be sent home on a Friday, to be returned by the following Wednesday. The reading books will be linked to our Monster Phonics lessons. The children can also choose their own library book to bring home to enjoy with you.

Homework: Homework will be set on a Wednesday and will be due in on a Monday. Homework will be set on Seesaw and/or MyMaths.

Uniform: Please make sure that all uniform, book bags and water bottles are clearly labelled with your child’s name, especially cardigans and jumpers, as these are the most common items to go missing!

Staff: Miss Naude will be in class all day Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Mrs Goldthorpe will be in Year 1 on a Wednesday. Mrs Stott will work in Year 1 every Monday and Thursday morning.

For further information about all of the exciting things that we learn in Year 1 then please look at our Curriculum Newsletters that are published every term.

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Files to Download

Year 1: Gallery items

Class 1 - Autumn 2 success, by Miss Kitson

Winter Art Morning, by Miss Kitson

Year 1: Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display

Barkisland CE VA Primary School

Barkisland CE VA Primary School

We Believe, We nurture, We Succeed!

Scammonden Road, Barkisland, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX4 0BD

Debbie, Jill or Rebecca will be able to help you with your enquiry

01422 823324

We Believe, We nurture, We Succeed!

Scammonden Road, Barkisland, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX4 0BD

Debbie, Jill or Rebecca will be able to help you with your enquiry

01422 823324

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Ofsted Good Provider Logo Calderdale Reading Revolution Logo